Having the right equipment is important in any field. This could not be more true in the tree care industry. We have always had decent but old equipment. We have made do and learned to be partial mechanics. Also how to adapt and deal with down times. It has taken a couple years to establish enough business credit to be able to make these new purchases. We are very proud of our new equipment. It not only makes us look more the professional tree service that we are, but it also has made us more efficient. It gave us a morale boost as well. We have some big payments to make but this has not changed our great prices at all. This was a calculated maneuver made at the right time. It has already been factored in to our budget. With trade ins and down payments this seriously has made zero change in the way we estimate jobs. I personally was always worried that with new stuff would force big changes. It would make this less passion and more work based. It would lock us into prices and force us to grow fast. We do not want to grow too fast and lose the small town feel that we strive for. Our goal is still to provide the Winchester, VA area with the best possible tree care services available. Still offering tree removal, tree trimming, tree pruning, stump grinding, stump removal, storm damage and emergency work at affordable rates. Our new fleet consists of a 2019 F350 for hauling around our large trailer. A 2019 F750 with PJ forestry dump bed. A 2019 Bandit XTC 200 Pro series Wood Chipper. Old Town Tree is excited for 2019. We just hope it stops raining soon.
